Sir George White worked until the day he died. His death, at the height of WWI was hard for his family.
My great Grandfather died in 1916, in the middle of the war, at the height of the war, and of course there were very, very high death duties payable in order to support the war work. So my Grandfather was working literally 24 hours a day I think he seldom slept, because the company was working day and night to produce aircraft for the front. We're suddenly faced with an enormous tax bill, so the evidence is that he tried to sell my great Grandfather's houses and of course nobody was buying country houses and great town houses in the middle of the war, nobody was buying anything. He tried to sell his jewellery which of course as a self made man he'd acquired all manner of stuff, my great Grandmother's pearls were worth a fortune. He tried to sell those at auction and they didn't sell because nobody was buying jewellery in the middle of the war.